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Here Are Some Tips To Help You To Live A Happy Life 2019

6 Healthy Ways To Be Alone After Heartbreak.


1. Don’t lower your standards:

Don’t let the fear of being alone and make you settle for something less. It's not just being alone, that worries us. It’s feeling alone that worries us. This is our big opportunity to get to know ourselves. If you want something to fall in love with you, we have to fall love with ourselves first. Our biggest mistakes are that we try to get others interests before we know our own. We try to learn about everyone else’s favorite color and movie before we know ours. And we learn what makes other happy before we learn what makes us happy. Once Aristotle said, “knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom of life.”

2. Don’t chase anyone:

And I mean it. If you have to chase any someone, that means they don’t want to be with you. Once Maya Angelou said, “When someone show you who they are believe them the first time”. This is your time to chase personal growth, to chase your development, to chase your dreams, your passions, your potential, and your purpose, not chase other person.

 3. Start a hobby:

Use this time to start new hobbies, new interests, or maybe even something you forgot to love to do. Maybe be there was something in your childhood that you’ve now left behind. Maybe there’s something that you need to turn to that you’ve forgotten about. Recreate that, relive that, bring that back into your life with that extra time that you now have.

4. Learn something new:

Our happiness is so costly linked to how much us progressing, how much we learning, and how much we’re achieving. Start listening to a new podcast, to maybe more TED Talks, maybe reading new books. This is your time to learn.

5. Live with intention:

Start crafting your life so that anyone you spend time with, anything you spend time doing is done with deeper intention. Understanding why you’re doing it and what purpose it brings into your future life.

 6. Talk to yourself:

The most important meeting of the day is with yourself. The most important call is with yourself. When you are able to interact with yourself, understand your emotions, and navigate your mind, you’re starting to be comfortable alone.

I read a study where men and women were given the option to either spend time alone with their thoughts for fifteen minutes, or give themselves an electric shock. Roughly thirty percent of women gave themselves an electric shock, and around sixty percent of men chose the electric shock. Instead of finding another person, Instead of using an escape or thing to get attached to. We have to learn to be comfortable and at peace with our own thoughts. Maybe it’s through mindfulness, through meditation and maybe it just journaling.
If we never learn to be alone, always we’ll feel that we’re lonely.

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