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When Life Gets You Down Read This 2019.

When Life Gets You Down

When Life Puts You Down: Not every time life makes you happy. But sometimes life puts you down. it is not your fault but it just happen in your life thats why you said life puts me down.

When Life Gets You Down

After a long time, the other day my friends and I went bowling. And I started to think to myself life is a lot like bowling. Bowling is a team sport just like life. In bowling, sometimes the best players struggle, and other that were less likely to do well, surprise you and make the all deference. This is one of my favorites lesson: focusing on someone else’s score doesn't make yours better. It’s easy to get distracted by how well someone else is playing. You see their score go up, they bowl a strike or a spare. You are calculating in your mind what you think that could be. But all that dose is it distracts from your game.

when life gets you down

Similarly, in life, focusing on someone else’s instragam grid doesn't make yours any better. Focusing on what someone else is doing for work or what they’re driving doesn't make yours any butter. Focus on yourself, focus on your own role, your strength that will make all the difference.

And that leads us nicely to the next lesson: there is different ways to play the game. Some people spin the ball, some people go for a straight, direct roll, and some people use two or three fingers the list continues. The truth is, it’s exactly the same in our lives. You will see some people succeed in a certain way. And others doing it completely differently. The goal is to find your way. Your method. Your approach. The direction that works for you. Without trying to copy mimic, or imitate someone else. And we've all experienced this, sometimes your ball ends up in the gutter. I am sure you have had that before, sometimes your throw was is completely out of control and your ball went directly went into the gutter. Or maybe sometimes you actually felt well-prepared and confident, but the ball still ended up in the gutter.

In life, just like the ball, sometimes we feel we’re in the gutter. But there is something to learn from that. And just like the ball comes back, when we learn through our experience, we get another opportunity to improve, another opportunity to try, and another opportunity to succeed.

Sometimes, you hit a spare. You threw your best short, you got the angle perfectly right, you prepared with everything you had, and that one is still up there. Sometimes, despite our best efforts in our life, we don’t get what we want. Not everything aligns. Everything doesn't go to the plan.

Life is lot like bowling, keep your eyes on the ball, your concentration in the game, and your mind out of the gutter. And in the end we realize, we have to be just like that bowling pin. No matter how hard we’re hit by life, how hard we’re hit by others, we have to keep steeping back up.

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when life gets you down

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