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Hammad Safi, A Boy Before Of His Age 2019

Who is Hammad Safi? A Boy Before Of His. Because at age of 11 he practically proved that to become a public speaker.

A Boy Before Of His Age 2019

Hammad Safi…

This article will be very special for anyone, because I going to share some information about hammed Safi. He is 11 years old. He is a motivational speaker, blogger, writer, freelancer, graphic designer and also a professor. By the love of affection people call him little professor (Nanna Professor). Many times people asked him how it is possible that you are a motivational speaker at the age of 11. He answered to them that he isn't a motivational speaker, he is an inspiration to the whole world.
Yes, it is. He is an inspiration. If we make differences between motivation and inspiration then we will get the ans.

So let’s get through into it. Motivation shows us the difference between right and wrong path. And inspiration is that, we want to be like someone. So it’s true Hammad Safi is an inspiration. Many of us who knows Hammad Safi, they ask himself if he do this at the age of 11 why don’t we? He proved that everything is possible.

Nothing is impossible, if you think you can. One upon a time, when we didn't think about electricity. We didn't think about flying, taking over cell phone, robotics etc. but it does. When these are invented, this time we didn't think it is possible. But it was possible. The creator gives us brain and everyone is special inside on him/her. Nothing is impossible. If you think you can. Just do it, start it.

When Hammad reads in class 5 he was interested in learning spoken English. Then he went to spoken university. The teacher of this university inspired and help him to get on this stage. Now Hammad become a teacher to the teacher and student of  the Peshawar University. Also he goes to different schools, colleges and different functions to deliver his speech. He is a man before of his age.

 Once a journalist talked to him Hammad what do you think about Batman and Supper man. Hammad says the Batman and the Superman are the fake heroes. The real heroes are Allama Iqbal, Bill gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs.

A Boy Before Of His Age 2019

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