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If You're Feeling Negative -READ THIS 2019

How to Deal With Negative People...

If You're Feeling Negative -READ THIS

We have people in our lives that believe that the whole world against them. Sometimes always coming crashing down in their lives. It’s always hitting a wall and there is something that’s always going wrong. Or at least that’s at least that’s how they feel. When they call you, you know exactly what are in for. Venting, complaining, comparing, criticizing….but they never even stop to ask about you.

They never look to you to see what you’re up to.  They just want to tell about everything they are going through.

And even with the best efforts, our desire to help then, our desire to serve them our desire to move them forward, they are still caught in that buddle in the space.

It is so important that we learn how to deal with them because this can have detrimental effects on us and even our health.

Research has shown that even a small amount of negative brain activity can immune system, making us more prone to illnesses. Negative attitude can also affect our brain aptitude for memory, reasoning and intelligence. When you hold an idea in your mind shared by around you. Your brain rewords you by triggering release of dopamine.  When you disagree with the energy of people around you, your brain sees that as a threat and triggers feelings of pain. This happens even the idea is negative and doesn't serve. That means that when your brain is around negative people, it’s going to be incentive you to because more like them as a protective measure. The same is true when you’re around uplifting people. In essence, perceive what the people around you perceive.

In the 1950’s, Solomon Asch, a psychologist asked a group of volunteers to guess the length of a vertical black on a white card. The results were really interesting. Each person guess dependent on the people that surrounded them. If the people surrounding them over estimated the length, they did the same. And the people around them underestimated the length, they did the same.

People literally saw the line differently by depending on who they were around. The implications are obvious. If you spend your life around negative people, you will start to see the world more negatively. Now, the truth is you can’t always just distance yourself from this because the person maybe a family member, a close friend or even a work colleague that you can’t move away from. Recognize that’s what happening to them that they’re facing three types of fare- the fear of being disrespected by others, the fare of not being loved by others and the fare that bad things just happen to them. Now, we all have negative moments. We all have moments and times in our lives when we are not the people we want to be. So, we have to recognize out compassion and empathy that we have those moments too. But we could all do is strive and aspire for a 1 to 3 ratio. For every one person in our life that’s bringing us down, we need three people that are lifting us up. For everyone person that’s we are helping up. When we manage our life in that way, we’re guaranteed not only to be lifted ourselves but to help others with us.

We all know that our complaints our drama, our comparing, our issues, our negativity have never got us anywhere. So let’s try and live a day without them and see were that gets us. Remember, you are not a victim. You think Life is not happening to you, but happening for you. When you went to your situation to change, realize that you've been put in that situation so that you can change and then change the situation. And when you stop worrying about the wrong things you make space for the right things. Everyone goes through a lot. All we have to do is to choose to go through it.

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