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Effects Of Rat Race

Escaping From The Rat Race...

Escaping From The Rat Race...

Escaping from the rat race is the farthest thing on an average mind. Survey, only a few from the majority of population figured out how to escape from the rat race. Those that scape, understand how time precious. They understood, the way we spend our time defines who we are and how we live. Take a look how many people get themselves into this so-called rat race.

This may very well be your very current life being depicted here. Here we have a child who is born raised and couple of years later he goes to school. The proud parents are excited because their child excels gets fair-good grades and is accepted into a good college. The child graduates perhaps goes to a school and does as programmed afterwards–looks for a safe and secure job. This child now as an adult finds that job maybe as a doctor or professor or joins the army or work for the government, but now as an adult, money is finally being made.

Having money to burn the young adult goes to place where other young people like to hang out. They meet people, they date, and sometimes the get married. Life is wonderful now because today both of them work with decent income. They feel successful! Their future looks bright and they decide to buy a house, a car, a television, take a vacation and eventually start to have children. They achieved the perfect life bundle. It seems perfect, what they wanted. Except resizing it. They caught themselves in the isolated notorious rat race. And so comes the greater demand for money that grows higher every month and year.

The happy couple decides that their careers are vitally important and being to work harder. Seeking promotions and raises. The raises come and so does other child and a need for a bigger house. They work harder because and so does another child and need for a bigger house. They work harder, because better employers and even more dedicated. They go back to school just to get more specialized skill, so they can earn more money for their lives. Maybe they take a second job. Their incomes go up. But so does the real state taxes on their large house and their social security taxes and all the other taxes. They get their large paycheck and wonder after a while where all the money went. Now their children reach five or six years old of age. The need to save for college for that increases the as well as the need to save for their retirement. Exhausted, having to get up early, get up to work, finish that 9:00 to 5:00, punch out, go back shame and crash and repeat. For this is the same cycle for about five days a week. Washing along that next weekend just come faster! This is the life for an average educated person. This is the path of the rat race trapping the happy couple for the rest of the working lives, working for the government paying taxes and for the bank paying off a mortgage and credit card.

What’s an astonishing most families work from January to mid-may for the government just to cover their taxes. Perhaps the biggest surprise is that they advise your own children to the only study heard, get good grades and find a safe job or a career. Many of times leaving them for a little financial education so their kids will work hard all their lives this rat race continues on into another heard working generation. Despite of all that, is there a way to escape the rat race? According to one of Robert Kiyosaki’s book called Rich Dad Poor Dad. This man who has being living in financial freedom explains that, there is hope those that tired, who are willing to get out of the rat race. I will say this there isn't a magic formula to jump out of is but there is proper skills that will be required to prove your proficiency of both accounting and investing. Arguably to of the most difficult of subjects to master. But there is a hope for learning how to achieve your perspective to that who has successful. As mentioned before in the book Rich Dad Poor Dad majority of people’s living are controlled forever by two emotions. Fare and Greed. This will keep them to get up for their work, focusing solely on paying their bills in an ongoing continuous cycle. Sadly, people will always this will always be their reality. I highly advise you to check out the breakdown and quick explanation of the Rich Dad Poor Dad in this animated book review I did here. Escaping the rat race, Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad mentored him with great lessons like focusing on investing into assets, minimizing liabilities, understanding the difference between active income and passive income. Realized this. You could in the rat race that’s preventing you to see the bigger picture of your life’s potential! Ask yourself. How long you will be in the rat race? I say get out! Your time is now!

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