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How To Overcome The Fear of Failure.

Keep Falling And You Will Succeed 

Here Are Best Tips To Overcome The Fear of Failure 2019

You are here right now at this moment, because tomorrow you want to somebody greater than the person you are today. You see yourself succeeding, you have a vision, and you have a dream. Congratulations, you are already ten steps ahead of ninety-five percentage of the world.

Imagine if Michael Jordan was scared of missing. He would have never taken a shot. Imagine is Steve Jobs was afraid of people not liking his product. There would be no iPhone.
So ask yourself this: do you want to be a person who fears failure or do you want to be a person who love success? Which one?

Because you’re gonna have to pick today. I will tell you two thing one is a failure, and one is a success. And if love success there is nothing that can stop you, all those negative things people say will mean nothing. They are going to talk about how only 1% make it up to the top.

Big deal. Want to know something else, only 1% stick with that fitness program long enough to see the results. Only 1% of nerds stick with that video game and long enough to get good at it. Only 1% of relationships stick it out till to the end, that doesn’t mean you have a 1% chance. It just means you can’t behave like the ninety-percent. You have to do something better than giving up a month from now, and those are just numbers. You want to talk about numbers, take look around you, and take a good look around you. Are you like ninety-nine percent of people around you? If you are, then you are in the wrong writing my friend.

You have to love success just as much because that’s going to get up, and go for it. Being scared to fail won’t do anything. In fact when you love the success and then you start going for it, guess what happens? You’re going to fail, you’re going to fail ten times, hundred times, maybe even thousand times but that’s okay. Failure isn’t permanent falling, isn’t permanent you get to right back up and keep going and this time you going to be stronger, wiser and you’ll be more driven than ever and for every ten failures you’ll lead one success. That’s how a winner dose it. I want to explore the biggest myth. Most people think leads them to success and there’s the myth you might believe, if you are scared to fail you won’t fail.

Lies. Biggest myth ever, and I believed it. You see, always thought that being scared to fail in life, would literally keep me from failing. I would look at the losers around me, and I would say I never want to turn out like him. I really believe this train of thought that would help me to succeed.

One day I was walking down the street. Suddenly, I saw an old man had a hat, suspenders and a cane was about 80 years old. This man was barely walking, he could walk but the cane was helped a lot, he was struggling so much. Anyway he was walking across the street then he ended up falling. So, I went over to go to help him and he gets up by saying thank you. We introduced ourselves with little conversation. The old man told me his name and I told him mine. His name was Robert. By the way and right as he walked away, I told him this is what I side Robert you should stay inside where it’s safe. My friend and Robert turns around and says to tell me, I love to walk. I love walking more than I’m afraid of falling. I asked him well, what about your safety? Don’t you want to live? He told me this these are the exact words he said he this Solo, living means doing what you love to do. If I had to fail here and there to do what. I want to do in life this. So be it and he just walked away and I never saw him again.

That was it, but that statement really had me thinking and it had me thinking so hard. because I learned something that day. Then I realized the true key to success. You see, I always thought if I could just fare the act of failing. If I fear it like crazy. I will succeed because I thought the fare would musically motivate me to get out there. And start taking actions but after that day I realized something special. I realized it’s the love for success, which will lead me to succeed.

So just imagine, is Robert feared failing would he even start walking? Of course not, he wouldn’t do, what he loved to do. He would sit at home and take no type of actions, Right? But he loved to walking, wasn’t even scared to fail. It gave him life. That’s what allowed him to get up and do it till the end. He loved walking so much. He was willing to fail 10 times a day, just to do it. And you have to do the same.

If someone tells you you’re going to fail you know what you tell them.Tell them they’re right. But you’re not afraid to fail, you’re not afraid to take actions, you’re not afraid to jump. You’re gonna fail 10 times but that’s cool because on the 11th time you will succeed. If you will succeed, you will succeed all right and it’ll feel good and while you’re over here living the life of your dreams in complete happiness. Guess, where they’re going to be. That’s right. they’ll be failures over there where it’s safe scared to fail.


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