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Here Are Some Tips When - Unhappiness Put Others Down

Only Unhappy Put Others Down...

Everything does it That's why people smoke even though they know they are going to get cancer Because it feels good I did not wake up and think that Why? Why did not I do that? Let me think it’s because I'm busy, I'm happy and that does not make me happy. Doing that will not make me happy and I just do not see the need to do so, why did this person feel the need to do that? So then I put myself in their shoes well, obviously they gained something from this, or people do not do things
And so they are gaining something from putting somebody down, which means they are not happy. They are not in a happy place. They are not accomplishing the goals they want to be accomplish. When someone writes something on the INTERNET, they are not telling your story. They are telling theirs. They are their story of unhappiness and not being where they want to be. And I really believe that. So, there is many times, read a hate comment and I go, “oh I am going to roast you” and I write something and I literally just delete it, because I’m like, you have your own issue. You are dealing with and it’s going to be no benefit to respond.

You can’t control the environment you are in. and when you have a really, really bad day, you can’t control the other driver that that cut you off. You can’t control whoever mean to you. You can’t control the fact that you missed the elevator. You can’t control any of those things. You can only control yourself. So it’s about being more productive. How do you do that? Well okay, if a driver is going to cut you off, play some good music. So, you are in a good mood. Leave 5 minutes earlier. You know what I mean, if you missed the elevator and you were late, wake up earlier.

Anything we do, any actions we make, I believe we have, many layers as to why we made that decision.

The second layer is what I tell myself. So say if I, took this glass, and I broke this glass, okay, what I tell everyone else “oh, it slipped, the glass slipped". Then I tell myself when I dig a litter dipper is, "oh I thought it would be funny, so l like broke the glass". Okay. But if I dig really, really deep, into like, what the real reason I smashed the glass, would be because, honestly, I think the, segment was doing really, really bad and I want a destruction. We lie to ourselves all that time, about why we did something, why we said something. Sometimes our instincts can kick in, like you ask me an uncomfortable question, I will respond right way because it’s uncomfortable. But what I’m saying to you is not true.

If I dig deeper, I understand why I acted that way. It’s really important. You need to be in turn with yourself if you want to be successful. I mean the world, it gets really uncomfortable. Success gets really uncomfortable sometimes. Its lots of stress. It’s a lot of pressure. If you are not truly, in turn with your biggest teammate, which is yourself, there is no way you can succeed. You need to know yourself really well. I am a very good idol, and his name is Dwayne “The Rock” Jonson.

 And I think who is someone who so successful, and the number one thing I have learned from him. How he, share his success, in such a way, that also validates himself. If you ever just go his Instagram, it’s from a place that’s like, this cool stuff is happening, and it’s really exciting and important for me. That’s why I’m going to share it because it means a lot to me but this, this does not make me better, than anybody else. And nor does put me on a pedestal of any type. Not because, it’s going to be alter the way you think about me. I’m just proud of this thing. And so I think we need to change our association, our relationships, with our success in that way. Even now when I accomplish something, I don’t care how many people come to me and say “congratulation, you did really well. This is a cool thing”. When I lie down don at bed, I literally hug myself. I am like, “you did really good”. That was a really good thing you did. Even today all the people that are validating me, is still means something, for me to tell myself, “You did really good job”.

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