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Here Are Some Tips To Help You To Live A Happy Life....

If You're Feeling Drained - READ THIS

Every day, we recharge our phones. But we forget to recharge ourselves. Let's just say we slept well the night before which means our day with 100% charge. When we wake up in the morning, we roll over and eighty parent of us check our smart phones before we brash our teeth. We scroll through social media, we browse through emails, that’s takes out ten percent of energy. Let's say now we have ninety percent charge left. We then commute to work, we spend our day in the office, in meetings, interacting with colleagues, finishing’s our projects and assignments. 

Now we have forty percent of charge left. On the way home, we commute through traffic or on the train, and that’s take away another ten percent. Now we have thirty percent charge left. 

We come home and switch on Netflix, talk to someone about what our day was like and sometimes we lose another ten percent. Now we have only twenty percent charge left. At twenty percent on our phones, usually the charge bar goes red. We get an alert. We get a massage that tells us that we only have twenty buttery left. 

The question is, do we notice when our charge is at twenty percent or ten percent? There are always sings form our bodies, our brains, our minds. But are we tuned in?

One of the best things we can do to recharge is to exercise. The hardest part of any workout is accentually the fifteen minutes leading up to it. We come up with fifteen reasons why we don't went to sweat and we change our mind and fifteen different times.

CNN reports that when we work out, your brain creates more serotonin which sends messages to our naves system of happiness and wellbeing. Working out for thirty to forty minutes every day can recharge our buttery by twenty percent. 

Meditation is a increasable way to recharge our butteries. Exactly what the gym does for the body. Meditation can do for the mind. Meditation gives us down time, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Meditation also directly impacts our entire nerves system by reducing your body’s production of stress-related chemicals ‌Such as cortisol. Meditation is great way to recharge and can take you back up twenty percent. We have all heard about incredible morning routines but the one thing that can make a huge difference to a recharge is your evening routine. Thirty five percent of us are not getting the recommended seven hours of sleep per night.

Remember, every mind and body is different, make sure you find the amount of time you need to get that serious buttery recharge. And the seventy five years study by Harvard found that beyond anything, the real sense check for happiness and meaning in life was relationships, connection, interaction with depth that are fulfilling and full of joy. Making time for deep, meaningful interaction everyday can give the recharge our buttery seriously needs. What if we recharge ourselves as much as we recharge our phones? Because if we don’t, we will end up like one of our phones in the bottom of some drawers in our home.

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