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Here Are Some Tips If You Ever Ghosted ,,,!

Did You Ever been Ghosted?

Getting “ghosted” is now a fact of life. About 80% of millennials have been victim of ghosting. Ghosting is defined in the urban dictionary as when someone commits all communication without warning, prior notice or any contact.

Specifically it’s refers to a solution when someone ceases all communication without any expansion at all. With the popularity of ghosting is increasing as a means of breaking up with someone or losing communication.
Now you’d think it was a sign of avoiding people settling down. But actually 75% millennials use dating apps because they want to get into more serious. And 50% identified the common myth of just hooking up a misconception of the generation. Now ghosting is really playing around with people's feeling, emotions, expectations and even their self-worth.

Most people who end up getting ghosted end up questioning their own image, their appearance, their talent, their humor. Their abilities. Not recognizing that someone just didn't message back. Not recognizing that someone just didn't call back. Not recognizing that someone just got lazy, confused or lost.

So after when we get ghosted we get consumed by feeling that we need to know why they did it. We are seeking through every comment, every message every text, every DM for an explanation. And the frustrating but funny thing is sometimes there isn't an explanation. Now, a quick note for those of you who are doing ghosting: please stop it. Not one deserve to be ghosted.

Ok, maybe if they lit your house on fire or killed your cat but if they didn't, no one deserves to be ghosted. Now, here's quick list of things to do: don't keep checking your phone. Stop trying to contact them back. Just delete everything related to them. And definitely do not blame yourself. Be grateful that their gone from your life and be grateful they did it now rather than later.

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